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Online Course

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

PANDA: MN ABE Physical And Nonapparent Disability Assistance

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach that minimizes barriers and maximizes learning for all students. Based on scientific insights into how humans learn, UDL can help refine why you teach, what you teach and how you teach.

UDL guides the design of inclusive instruction and accessible materials. UDL arose out of the disability community. When the Americans with Disabilities Act became a law in 1990, it became mandatory to alter buildings and city streets to make them accessible for individuals with disabilities. For example, when curb cuts were placed in sidewalks to allow individuals in wheelchairs the ability to access buildings, other people began to benefit as well. Those using strollers, bikes, and grocery carts noticed the ease of use the curb cuts provided. The point being, when a change or accommodation has been made for one group, it often benefits many.

After completing PANDA’s UDL course, you will receive 6 CEUs intended to address teacher re-licensure in the area of “accommodating, modifying, and adapting curricula, materials, and strategies.”


Administrator, Instructor, Support Staff, Volunteer



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