The online Minnesota Adult Education PD Catalog provides an overview of all MN Adult Ed professional development (PD) activities in one convenient, searchable place. Here you will find brief descriptions of all PD offerings currently provided by the Minnesota Adult Education Support Network.
Note: Not all activities listed here have been scheduled yet, and many can be provided to you by request. Others are available on an ongoing basis.
- Scheduled activities are linked to the MN Adult Ed Events Calendar or other sites, where you can find registration and more details.
- For a list of upcoming PD activities for the year, see FY25 MN Adult Ed PD Dates.
Refine Your Search
ABE Foundations at a Distance: Webinar Series
ATLASATLAS offers 3 live webinars to supplement the ABE Foundations Online Course and support new ABE staff members’ entry into the field. The purpose of the webinar series is to: Provide a guided, connected way to complete the ABE Foundations online course content in… Read More
Content Areas:
- ABE Policy
- ACES / Transitions
- CCR Standards
- Civics & Citizenship
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- HSE / GED / Adult Diploma
- Program Management
- SiD Database
- Support Services
- Using Volunteers
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Support Staff

ABE Foundations Online Course
ATLASABE Foundations is a free online course that is hosted on the Canvas platform; it provides an introduction to the world of Adult Basic Education in a self-paced, asynchronous format. Participants can complete the entire course and earn CEUs or access specific topics for a refresher. Read More
Content Areas:
- ABE Policy
- ACES / Transitions
- CCR Standards
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- HSE / GED / Adult Diploma
- Program Management
- SiD Database
- Support Services
- Using Volunteers
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Support Staff

ABE Foundations Workshops
ATLASTo provide new practitioners with an overview of ABE in Minnesota, ATLAS provides face-to-face ABE Foundations workshops twice a year when these events are offered in person: As a 9-hour Pre-Conference session at the ABE Summer Institute, hosted by Literacy Action Network in August in St. Cloud. As a shortened… Read More
Content Areas:
- ABE Policy
- ACES / Transitions
- CCR Standards
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- HSE / GED / Adult Diploma
- Program Management
- SiD Database
- Support Services
- Using Volunteers
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Support Staff
- Volunteer

ABE Summer Institute
Literacy Action NetworkABE Summer Institute sponsored by Literacy Action Network is Minnesota’s annual statewide Adult Basic Education conference. Held every third week of August, the conference brings together more than 400+ educators to learn new teaching techniques, discuss policy changes, examine trends in ABE, and connect with peers from across the state. Read More
Content Areas:
- ABE Policy
- ACES / Transitions
- Adult Career Pathways
- Assessment
- CCR Standards
- Civics & Citizenship
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- Disabilities
- Distance Learning
- Diversity / Equity / Inclusion
- HSE / GED / Adult Diploma
- Math / Numeracy
- Mental Health & Trauma
- Program Management
- Reading
- Science
- Social Studies
- Technology
- Using Volunteers
- Writing
- Administrator
- Instructor

ACES Foundations Online Course
ATLASACES Foundations is a free online course that is hosted on the Canvas platform; it provides a wonderful overview of ACES (Academic, Career and Employability Skills) and how it can give teachers the tools they need to help students reach their goals. The course was designed for those who are new… Read More
Content Areas:
- ACES / Transitions
- Administrator
- Instructor

ACES Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
ATLASACES professional learning communities (PLCs) provide teachers with the opportunity to examine their roles as adult educators in a “transitions” landscape; explore and practice integrating transitions (TIF) skills into their lessons, materials and instructional settings; and work collaboratively with colleagues to reflect on and develop their teaching practice. Read More
Content Areas:
- ACES / Transitions
- Instructor

ACES Webinar Series
ATLASThe goal of ACES (Academic, Career & Employability Skills) is to support instructors in teaching the hard-to-define, yet make-or-break skills needed to succeed in the workplace, college, and community. ATLAS provides webinars throughout the year to keep adult educators up to speed on ACES work and keep these important transitions… Read More
Content Areas:
- ACES / Transitions
- Administrator
- Instructor

ACP/IET Webinar Series
ATLASTo address the many challenges in designing, implementing and sustaining effective adult career pathway (ACP) programs and partnerships, including Integrated Education & Training (IET), ATLAS provides professional development and resources for ABE managers and practitioners who are developing or strengthening career pathways for their students. Based on input from the… Read More
Content Areas:
- Adult Career Pathways
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Support Staff

Administrator/Manager Webinar Series
ATLASBased on input from the Administrator PD Advisory Team, ATLAS offers a webinar series for MN Adult Ed administrators and managers throughout the year. Topics vary and are determined by the Advisory Team; examples include planning and budgeting for the upcoming year and decision-making around learning models (blended, hybrid, HyFlex,… Read More
Content Areas:
- Program Management
- Administrator

Antiracist Praxis Study Circle
ATLASMany of us have heard the terms antiracist and DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), but how do we actually implement these large frameworks into our adult English classrooms? This study circle goes beyond defining antiracism and explores how the research around Translanguaging by Ofelia García (2017) and Culturally Responsive Teaching by… Read More
Content Areas:
- Diversity / Equity / Inclusion
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Support Staff

Beginning ESL Literacy Study Circle I
ATLASThis 9-hour study circle is a professional learning activity for teachers of low-literate Adult Basic Education ESL students – those learners with little or no first-language literacy. With a special focus on reading development for these learners, teachers explore relevant research and its implications for best practices in the classroom. Read More
Content Areas:
- Instructor

Best Practices in Digital Education
Literacy MinnesotaFormerly known as Distance Learning 101/102, this professional development cohort opportunity will support ABE teachers, staff, and administrators in setting learners up for success in asynchronous distance learning and synchronous online class formats (fully online, blended, HyFlex, etc.). We’ll focus on new readings and best practices in digital education, digital… Read More
Content Areas:
- ABE Policy
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- Distance Learning
- Administrator
- Instructor

CASAS Implementation Training
Southwest ABEThis training covers selecting and using the appropriate CASAS test, interpreting test scores, and measuring student progress. Discussion will focus on administering CASAS appraisals, pre‐ and post‐tests, and introduce online instructional resources. Information about both CASAS STEPS for ESL and CASAS GOALS (Reading and Math) for ABE will be included. … Read More
Content Areas:
- Assessment
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Support Staff
- Volunteer

CASAS Test Administration Recertification
Southwest ABEIs it time for your 5-year recertification as a test administrator? Come to this session to hear the latest on CASAS STEPS for ESL, and CASAS GOALS (Reading and Math) for ABE. We will review standardized testing and address questions you may have about administering these tests. This session is… Read More
Content Areas:
- Assessment
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Support Staff
- Volunteer

CCRS Foundations Online Course
ATLASCCRS Foundations is a free online course that is hosted on the Canvas platform; it provides an introduction to the College & Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics in a self-paced, asynchronous format. Participants can complete the entire course for ELA and/or Mathematics, or access specific… Read More
Content Areas:
- CCR Standards
- Administrator
- Instructor

CCRS Foundations Workshops
ATLASThese face-to-face workshops engage participants in a guided exploration of the College & Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) for ELA (English Language Arts/Literacy) or Mathematics. They meet the prerequisite requirement for several MN ABE professional development activities, including the CCRS Implementation Cohort and Adult Diploma Training. These workshops are generally offered at Language… Read More
Content Areas:
- CCR Standards
- Administrator
- Instructor

CCRS Implementation Cohort
ATLASParticipation in the year-long CCRS Implementation Cohort prepares program teams to align curriculum and instruction to the CCR standards, develop a long-term standards implementation plan for their program, and, ultimately, improve learning outcomes for students. Participating teams ideally consist of at least one program administrator/coordinator, one math teacher, and one… Read More
Content Areas:
- CCR Standards
- Administrator
- Instructor

Comprehension Strategies for Intermediate-Level Readers
Literacy MinnesotaResearch shows that explicitly teaching a set of comprehension strategies is a great way to help intermediate-level readers maximize their understanding of texts. Come learn a handful of great comprehension tools that will help students develop critical thinking skills and comprehension skills. Read More
Content Areas:
- HSE / GED / Adult Diploma
- Reading
- Instructor
- Volunteer

Cultural Competency Training
ATLASThere is a great deal more to cultural competency than using the right words or choosing multicultural readings. This PELSB-approved cultural competency training is aligned to MN Administrative Rule 8710.0310 Subpart 1D* and introduces adult educators to concepts and skills needed to start on the journey to becoming a more… Read More
Content Areas:
- Cultural Competency
- Diversity / Equity / Inclusion
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Support Staff

Dev Ed/ABE Partnership Study Circle
Dev Ed ConsultantsThese Study Circles provide opportunities to connect research, successful partnership experience, and practice, in the exploration and creation of a local Dev Ed/ABE partnership. All practitioners within the Minnesota State system and Minnesota Adult Basic Education (ABE) interested in partaking of this practice-based learning experience can apply to form a study… Read More
Content Areas:
- Developmental Education & ABE
- Administrator
- Instructor