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Cohort, Online Course, Webinar/Webcast

Distance Learning 101: Foundations of Distance Education and Blended Learning

Literacy Minnesota

This online course begins with an in-person full day kickoff, and is set up to help practitioners develop a site plan for offering distance or blended learning to adult learners. It is also a prerequisite for DL 102: Instructional Issues. Over the course of six weeks, all participants will work with colleagues within their agency (teams generally consist of one admin/manager and at least one teacher per agency) to develop a plan that addresses research and best practices around Recruitment, Screening, Orientation, Instruction, and Assessment.

In the months following the course, each team will work to implement their site plan – supported by monthly webinars with all participants sharing progress, successes, and challenges.

We typically offer this course every other year, alternating between DL 101 and DL 102 courses. Any graduate of DL 101 in any previous year is welcome to apply and enroll in DL 102.


Administrator, Instructor



Upcoming Dates

  • October 2021 / Saint Paul (TBD)

More Details

Learn more at MNABE Distance Learning.

MNABE Distance Learning