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North ABE Regional


North Regionals take place in fall and spring in alternating locations, generally over a Thursday evening and all day Friday, with optional Thursday afternoon sessions sometimes offered. Regionals:

  • Provide the time and space for colleagues to gather in person to network, share resources, decrease isolation, and engage in adult professional learning.
  • Enhance teachers’ and administrators’ knowledge and skills by participating in training based on the particular needs of each region.
  • Assist practitioners in maintaining employability through re-licensure sessions.
  • Provide a venue to engage practitioners with statewide PD priorities from Support Network providers.


Administrator, Instructor


approx. 3 for Thursday evening and 5 for Friday

Upcoming Dates

  • October 3-4, 2024 / Walker

More Details

Check out the Events Calendar for details about scheduled North ABE Regionals.

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