The online Minnesota Adult Education PD Catalog provides an overview of all MN Adult Ed professional development (PD) activities in one convenient, searchable place. Here you will find brief descriptions of all PD offerings currently provided by the Minnesota Adult Education Support Network.
Note: Not all activities listed here have been scheduled yet, and many can be provided to you by request. Others are available on an ongoing basis.
- Scheduled activities are linked to the MN Adult Ed Events Calendar or other sites, where you can find registration and more details.
- For a list of upcoming PD activities for the year, see FY25 MN Adult Ed PD Dates.
Refine Your Search
Northstar Digital Literacy Foundations
Literacy MinnesotaThis course provides an introduction to the Northstar Digital Literacy Standards and how they can be integrated into any adult education course. Northstar is one of the three required sets of content standards (along with the CCRS and ACES-TIF). This course is… Read More
Content Areas:
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- Distance Learning
- HSE / GED / Adult Diploma
- Technology
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Support Staff
- Volunteer

Essential Zoom Skills for Online Instruction
Literacy MinnesotaJoin this hands-on session to learn and practice essential Zoom skills for the virtual classroom that may not be in your repertoire if your experience with the platform is limited to meetings with friends and colleagues at work. The workshop will cover: 1. Turning off participants’ cameras and microphones. 2. Read More
Content Areas:
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- Distance Learning
- Technology
- Instructor
- Volunteer

Tutoring and Teaching with Northstar Digital Literacy
Literacy MinnesotaYou don’t need to be a computer expert in order to teach computer skills! Come learn how help students build their digital literacy skills using Northstar Digital Literacy. In the webinar, participants will learn: The features of Northstar Digital Literacy. How to help learners navigate Northstar digital literacy assessments. How… Read More
Content Areas:
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- Instructor
- Volunteer

Remote Instruction: Realities, Recommendations and Essential Zoom Skills
Literacy MinnesotaDuring the early days of the pandemic, remote instruction was a necessary evil that many begrudgingly endured. But as the options for in-person instruction open up, many learners have chosen to continue to learn in an online environment. Join this session to prepare yourself for the basics of online tutoring… Read More
Content Areas:
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- Distance Learning
- HSE / GED / Adult Diploma
- Technology
- Instructor
- Volunteer

Volunteer Core Training Module 1: Overview of Minnesota Adult Education and Program Accountability
Literacy MinnesotaParticipants learn about Adult Basic Education programming in Minnesota, demographics of learners, instructional content standards as well as initial and on-going assessment. This session wraps up with learner motivations, barriers and persistence. Read More
Content Areas:
- ABE Policy
- ACES / Transitions
- Assessment
- CCR Standards
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- HSE / GED / Adult Diploma
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Support Staff
- Volunteer

Statewide Virtual Conferences
ATLASIn an effort to harness the benefits of both in-person and virtual conferences, ATLAS continues to offer both in-person regional events in the North, South, and Metro regions, as well as virtual statewide conferences that are open to attendees from all regions of Minnesota. The Statewide Virtual Conference is an… Read More
Content Areas:
- ABE Policy
- ACES / Transitions
- Adult Career Pathways
- Assessment
- CCR Standards
- Civics & Citizenship
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- Disabilities
- Distance Learning
- Diversity / Equity / Inclusion
- HSE / GED / Adult Diploma
- Math / Numeracy
- Mental Health & Trauma
- One-Room Schoolhouse / Multilevel
- Program Management
- Reading
- Science
- Social Studies
- Technology
- Writing
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Volunteer

ABE Foundations at a Distance: Webinar Series
ATLASATLAS offers 3 live webinars to supplement the ABE Foundations Online Course and support new ABE staff members’ entry into the field. The purpose of the webinar series is to: Provide a guided, connected way to complete the ABE Foundations online course content in… Read More
Content Areas:
- ABE Policy
- ACES / Transitions
- CCR Standards
- Civics & Citizenship
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- HSE / GED / Adult Diploma
- Program Management
- SiD Database
- Support Services
- Using Volunteers
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Support Staff

Distance Learning Basics for Adult Basic Education
Literacy MinnesotaThis course will teach you the basics of designing and implementing quality distance education programs in ABE schools and classrooms. This course is appropriate for ABE teachers, managers and support staff. Read More
Content Areas:
- ABE Policy
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- Distance Learning
- Technology
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Support Staff
- Volunteer

Metro ABE Regional
ATLASMetro Regionals take place in the spring, generally all day on a Friday. Cost: $25/person Regionals: Provide the time and space for colleagues across programs and from within one geographic region to gather in person to network, share resources, decrease isolation, and engage in adult professional learning. Enhance teachers’ and… Read More
Content Areas:
- ABE Policy
- ACES / Transitions
- Adult Career Pathways
- Assessment
- CCR Standards
- Civics & Citizenship
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- Disabilities
- Distance Learning
- Diversity / Equity / Inclusion
- HSE / GED / Adult Diploma
- Math / Numeracy
- Mental Health & Trauma
- One-Room Schoolhouse / Multilevel
- Program Management
- Reading
- Science
- Social Studies
- Technology
- Writing
- Administrator
- Instructor
- Volunteer

South ABE Regional
ATLASSouth Regionals take place in fall and spring, generally all day on a Friday. Cost: $25/person Regionals: Provide the time and space for colleagues across programs and from within one geographic region to gather in person to network, share resources, decrease isolation, and engage in adult professional learning. Enhance teachers’… Read More
Content Areas:
- ABE Policy
- ACES / Transitions
- Adult Career Pathways
- Assessment
- CCR Standards
- Civics & Citizenship
- Digital Literacy / Northstar
- Disabilities
- Distance Learning
- Diversity / Equity / Inclusion
- HSE / GED / Adult Diploma
- Math / Numeracy
- Mental Health & Trauma
- One-Room Schoolhouse / Multilevel
- Program Management
- Reading
- Science
- Social Studies
- Technology
- Writing
- Administrator
- Instructor